Prostitution Laws and Escorts

New Jersey Escorts

New Jersey Escorts provide an unforgettable, luxury experience. Professional, vetted, and with years of experience behind them, their experienced Escorts offer every luxury possible to make you feel special on any special occasion - be it an intimate dinner date with friends or an evening out with colleagues. These professionals will make you feel special!

New Jersey Prostitution Law

Under New Jersey state law, prostitution services cannot be sold, bought, profited from or promoted commercially. This prohibition extends to hiring out services as well as loitering to engage in prostitution with another person or engaging in prostitution with them directly. Furthermore, businesses conducting sexually oriented activities must maintain an establishment at least 1,000 feet from other sex shops, religious places of worship, hospitals, public playgrounds schools or residential areas.

Prostitution and solicitation are serious crimes with severe fines and even jail sentences for those found guilty. Anyone facing these accusations should immediately retain an experienced criminal defense lawyer to protect their rights and explore possible defense strategies. Hiring legal assistance also enables defendants to avoid conviction altogether and focus on rehabilitation and creating a brighter future for themselves.

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Prostitution laws vary by jurisdiction, yet are typically consistent across the United States. Prostitution is defined as engaging in sexual activity with another person for financial gain. This may involve sexual intercourse, oral-genital, anal-genital and masturbation activity as well as touching of genitalia, buttocks or breasts. First time offenders over 18 will typically face disorderly person convictions upon being caught while patrons (known as "johns") may also face legal consequences.

Though prostitution is illegal in New Jersey, many still engage in it without getting arrested. Therefore, those considering hiring an Escort service in this state should contact an established New Jersey Escort company that has a valid license and insurance. This will provide assurances to clients that they will not encounter sexual predators while using their service.

New Jersey Escorts are an ideal choice for bachelor parties, birthday parties and more. Their stunning beauty and sophisticated charm make them the ideal companions to enhance any special event or milestone, providing the ultimate sexual experience - as well as providing well-mannered service that shows their respect.

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